Tag Archives: Nike

Get “Tiger Vision” Today

22 Jul

Love him or hate him, Tiger Woods starts and ends trends throughout the world.  For instance lets take a look at Nike.  Without Tiger, Nike would have never made such an impact on the golf world nor would Nike have been able to do the following:

Researchers estimated that, purely in regards to golf balls, Nike’s agreement  with Tiger resulted in 4.5 million customers over the last ten years.

In the six months after news of Woods’ scandal broke, Nike lost 105,000  customers. But those customers did not seek other brands as the entire golf ball  industry lost $7.5 million in profits.

“Although several major sponsors cut ties with Tiger Woods — Nike did not,” said Timothy Derdenger, as assistant  professor that helped conduct the study. “So we examined the net effect on  Nike’s sales and market share. What we found is that by maintaining their  relationship with Tiger Woods, Nike’s overall profit in golf ball sales was $1.6  million greater than it would have been without him.”


-Food for Thought –

 If golfers emulate Tiger Woods in form, attire, and equipment; then ALL golfers should be under Chiropractic care.

Tiger Woods and Chiropractic –

“Being a Chiropractic patient has really helped me a lot.  When I was in a growth spurt, my back became very sore, and I was weak.  My chiropractor really helped me.  Not only did he adjust my spine, he also gave me strengthening exercises to do…I would recommend chiropractic.”

Let’s not only improve our game, let’s improve our lives with chiropractic; not to mention, the amount of money you’ll save from losing fewer balls to hazards.